Meet the delicate Woodland Fairy, a charming fairy figurine adorned in a golden gown. Her wings shimmering in the forest light as she gracefully holds a blooming flower.
Handcrafted with love and care, this enchanting figurine is sure to bring a touch of magic to your child's playtime adventures in the mystical woods.
Perfect for sparking imaginative play and adding a touch of magic to any playtime adventure!
As children interact with this delightful toy, they'll be encouraged to develop their fine motor skills, creativity, and storytelling abilities.
Measurements: L: 13cm H: 8cm W: 4cm
Age Guide & Safety: Recommended for 3 years+. We always advise that toys be checked prior to play and recommend adult supervision during playtime. Not suitable for children 3 years and over who still have a tendency to put things in their mouth.
Designed and handmade in Romania.